Exams and Revision

The journey to GCSEs is a long one. It is not something that starts in year 10 but year 7 and the journey through exams and assessments are part of a journey that prepares you for the summer of year 11. Each year group will experience assessment weeks with dedicated time in tutor and through homework to prepare for them. 

Year 7 assessment week - 19th - 23rd May 2025
Assessments in English, maths, science and MFL

Year 8 assessment week - 19th - 23rd May 2025
Assessments in English, maths, science, MFL, geography, history and RS

Year 9 assessment week 1- 24th - 28th February 2025
Assessments in all option subjects

Year 9 assessment week 2- 16th -19th June  2025
Assessments in English, maths and science 

Year 10 Internal exams- 29th April - 16th May  2025
Assessments in all subjects. Core exams will take place in the sports hall using GCSE protocols. All option subjects in lesson time/classrooms. 

Year 11 mock exams -  25th November - 6th December 2024
Assessments in all subjects in  the sports hall using GCSE protocols.

Year 11 additional mock exams -  10th - 21st March 2025
Assessments in all subjects, as appropriate. Core exams will take place in the sports hall using GCSE protocols. All option subjects in lesson time/classrooms.

Reflection upon assessments and exams are fundamental to the learning process. This takes place in lessons, for homework and also during tutor time so targets can be formed and time given over to work towards improving outcomes and seeing progress. There are also opportunities in KS4 for staff to invite parents/carers and students in during our invitational parents evening to discuss progress and give support to further improve or maintain. 

Stay positive, revise, make it happen

Important Information for students

(available to download at the bottom of the page):

Non Examination Assessment Information for Candidates

Information for Candidates for Written Exams

Information for Candidates for On-screen Exams

Social Media Information for Candidates



 Remember on Exam Days... 

For most people, the only enjoyable part of exams is the day they finish, but exams are an essential part of the educational experience.

There are a number of ways students can prepare themselves to perform to the best of their ability and make the experience less stressfull.  Advice and useful information can be found below.

Revise, revise...
  • Draw a mind map

  • Make a chart

  • Use a cartoon

  • Create a picture

  • Say key ideas out loud

  • Test yourself

  • Play music for association

  • Devide work into smaller chunks

  • Highlight main points

  • Ask for advice and explanations

  • Make a poster

  • Draw a diagram

  • Write notes

  • Record ideas

  • Discuss with others

  • Swap ideas

  • Plan and schedule revision time

  • Use a revision timetable

  • Take regular breaks

  • Reward yourself

  • Review your progress

For more tips on revision click here

Survive the exam

And on the day of the exam...

  • Check that the exam paper is the correct one

  • Follow all invigilator instructions

  • Check instructions to candidates

  • Read all exam questions

  • Plan your time

  • Read each question twice

  • Highlight the key words in a question

  • Answer the actual question set

  • Check answers for mistakes