Governors' attendance

Click here to see governors' attendance at Full Governing Body & Committees meetings during the school year 2023-24

Election of Governors

Parent Governors

Parent governors are elected by other parents at the school. When a vacancy/vacancies arises, nominations are invited from the parent body. If the number of nominees is equal to, or fewer than the number of vacancies, a ballot is not required, and the nominee(s) is/are automatically elected. However, if there are more nominations than vacancies, a secret ballot is arranged.

Staff Governors

When a vacancy for a staff governor occurs, a notice is circulated to all staff. Staff may nominate a colleague or self-nominate. If only one nomination is received, the nominee is elected unopposed. If more than one nomination is submitted, a secret ballot is held.

Local Authority Governors

Local Authority Governors are nominated by the Local Authority but appointed by the Governing Body.

Co-opted Governors

Co-opted governors are appointed by the Governing Body. These are individuals whom the Governing Body believes have the skills necessary to contribute to the effective governance of the school.


All governors except the Head Teacher serve for a term of office of four years, but can be reappointed.