
Plasters and sympathy
We have a number of qualified First Aiders at Maidenhill.

We deal with simple cuts, etc. with plasters and sympathy, but for more serious injuries requiring further medical attention we contact parents to take their son/daughter to the hospital. 

Parents are informed whenever there has been a knock to the head.  If we feel your son/daughter should not be moved, we will call an ambulance and contact you.

It is vital that we have at least one emergency contact number.  If your number at home or work changes, please let us know immediately.  Your son/daughter may know of this change but, if unconscious, will obviously not be able to tell us.

If your son/daughter suffers from asthma, migraines or any other condition requiring ongoing medication, a medical permission form will need to be completed (available from the school office).  It would be helpful if a spare inhaler, tablets, etc, could be kept in school. 

As a school we are not able to provide Paracetamol or other painkillers, nor do we apply creams/ointments. Any medication provided to us must be clearly labelled, in date and kept in the original container.  Such items are kept by the main school office in a safe place.  No student should carry medication around with them with the exception of blue inhalers and epi-pens.  Students are supervised whilst taking medication and must sign each time to say they have done so.  An email or text will be sent home in the case of students taking medication they store in school for occasional purposes.  Please complete the parental agreement for school to administer medication form (download below).

If your son/daughter suffers from travel sickness and is going on a trip or an exchange, please ensure they have taken or have a supply of travel sickness pills.  We do not provide them.

 For more information about Medical Care at Maidenhill please contact us or download the policies below.

More policies are available on our Policies Page  

Medical policies and forms available to download below

Parental Agreement for School to Administer Medicine

Individual Health Care Plan (IHCP)

Asthma Care Plan and Declaration